

The Ocean City Departmental Housing Program – The department leases a handful of houses every year. We then sublease these homes at cost to our seasonal employees. The great benefit of this program is that rent is automatically deducted from your paycheck. You will not have to worry about making a rent payment on time or ensuring that you have the money in your account at any given time. However, due to this convenience, this program does fill very quickly. This option is approximately $350/paycheck for the first 6 pays for approximately $2,100 for the season.

The Housing Alternatives List – We have a list of our officers, officers from other agencies, and friends of the department that have either houses or rooms for rent. All of these places have been viewed by our office and are of good quality. We can provide a short description of the house, price, and the contact information for the owner/landlord. However, it is up to you to call and finalize any arrangements made this way. The pricing on this option varies greatly due to the differences in location and amenities offered. These places typically are anywhere between $600 and $800 a month per person.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]